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Field Service Mobile App for the City of Philadelphia’s Housing Corporation


Client Profile

The Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation (PHDC) is a nonprofit housing organization dedicated to improving the lives of low-income Philadelphians. PHDC focuses on rehabilitating, modifying and weatherizing existing homes. PHDC provides pre-repair inspections, construction and project management services.

Field Service Challenges

A core business function of PHDC is to inspect and assess housing and recommend required repairs. Some of the challenges PHDC faced were:

Field Inspectors needed an easier process to perform inspections in order to perform their jobs more effectively. PHDC wanted to use mobile technology to improve the inspection process on the field and improve scheduling and visibility from desk operations.


PHDC had specific objectives to be addressed in order for the mobile initiative to be a success. Some of the key requirements Speridian had to address were to:


PHDC chose Speridian, recognizing its expertise with:

Field Service Solutions: Speridian has a proven track record in delivering superior field service apps for utilities and construction companies. Speridian consultants knew the challenges field service workers faced in the field and had designed processes which were optimal for field service usage.

Mobile Apps & Systems Integration: With many successful mobile initiatives, Speridian has developed a mobile application framework called Mobilize for successfully deploying field service initiatives. Speridian also has highly valued integration expertise and was a one-stop-shop for native mobile applications, systems integration & support.


Speridian deployed a mobile field service application to run on the iPads carried by PHDC field inspectors. Speridian’s Mobilize application provided an easy and efficient tool, which could be leveraged by the client’s field service personnel to complete inspections quickly and effectively.

Interested to see a demo? Email or call (413) 246-1766.

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