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Three Reasons You Need a SuccessFactors MSP

Gregory J. Turner

SAP SuccessFactors Practice Lead, Speridian Technologies

When Human Resources (HR) departments deploy SAP SuccessFactors, many begin by managing it in-house as a cost-saving measure. But they also understand that there is a lot of complexity in their payroll, benefits and talent acquisition arenas.

So, when on-the-fly dynamic business and regulatory changes are required, or when one company acquires another, HR changes need to be quickly and accurately captured and integrated into their SAP SuccessFactors system.

At this point, HR people may turn to their in-house IT teams for help, and while those individuals may be the best in the IT business, they rarely have a deep co-expertise in human resources, which means they may not understand the relationships one change may have to another. And that’s where people get stuck.

Let’s take a look at three of the top pain points clients often experience, and how a managed service provider with expertise in Human Capital Management (HCM) can help.

Potential Liability

When companies who don’t have the in-house expertise to make on-the-fly business or regulatory changes try to make these changes themselves to save money, sometimes they make a mistake, and that can expose them to potential liability.

For example, COVID-19 sparked a number of regulatory changes with regard to compensating employees for sick leave. Those changes were challenging because HR had to understand how those changes related to existing policies, and how they would impact employee pay and benefits.

A mistake in implementation could result in labor union disputes or across-the-board employee dissatisfaction, not to mention long-term legal exposure if the error was not caught quickly.

Employee Overhead

Many organizations mistakenly think they won’t need support to manage SuccessFactors because it’s a software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering in the cloud.

As a result, they adopt SuccessFactors, but their staff is too lean to properly manage it long term. When time-sensitive changes come up, or when there is a need for new dashboards, performance monitoring, required software patches, updates and license renewals, they simply don’t have enough people to get the job done.

Many find themselves needing an extra set of hands to get them over the hurdle because the work is adding up and some of it is time sensitive and required by law.

Growing Your Organization

As organizations acquire subsidiaries or expand through organic growth, they want the SuccessFactors platform to grow with them, but there is usually some work involved to accomplish that. If a business had a non-unionized workforce before, but then acquired a company that has unionized workers, that’s a completely different type of employee.

So, the changes associated with growth can create support issues that a skilled MSP can resolve.

The choice then becomes one of balancing these kinds of pain points with the cost of partnering with a managed service provider. Usually, the pain points win. But, for many, cost remains a stumbling block. Often, MSPs ask clients to purchase support in blocks of time.

But if the client happens to have a single large request, that one request may use up a huge percentage of the month’s service allocation, leaving the client without additional support or with wildly fluctuating costs that can’t be budgeted for in advance.

At Speridian, we’ve solved that.

We absolutely have some of the most skilled resources with the best experiences and credentials in the business. But what really makes our Speridian Advantage™ managed service so popular is that our unique pricing model allows us to support a sophisticated and robust environment like SAP SuccessFactors at a surprisingly affordable per-seat fixed monthly cost, regardless of the level of complexity involved in the support request.

It doesn’t matter whether a client has 100 requests for configuration changes or multiple help desk calls, we support our clients 24×7 with guaranteed service level agreements across the board for that same fixed price. And because our price is based on the number of employees the client has in their SuccessFactors system, our service can be easily scaled up or down as business needs change. That’s the Speridian Advantage™.

To learn more, listen to a podcast interview with Speridian’s SAP SuccessFactors expert, Greg Turner, then explore our Speridian Advantage™ for SAP SuccessFactors microsite. Got questions? Contact us and let us show you what Speridian Advantage™ for SAP SuccessFactors can do for you.

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