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5 Tips for Customer-Centric Healthcare Member Engagement

by | Oct 5, 2021

According to the J.D. Power Commercial Member Health Plan Study, only 25% of survey respondents consider their health plan a trusted partner in their health and wellness. In fact, J.D. Power stated that commercial health plans are one of the most poorly rated industries that it evaluates. With rising member expectations and a competitive health plan marketplace, healthcare payers are challenged to improve member engagement or risk losing them. How can payers improve member engagement and change the opinion of their organizations?

Customer-centric member engagement

The key to member engagement is understanding and addressing the needs of health plan members. Your organization needs to use methods that drive customer satisfaction, improve healthcare outcomes, and creates trust. However, member experiences aren’t limited to call center communication but include multiple touchpoints, such as emails, websites, and programs. A customer-centric approach to member engagement means supporting members where and how they want to be supported. Your organization can create positive, satisfying customer experiences that build trust and help members get the information they need faster.  

To improve member engagement, here are five tips for healthcare payers:

1 Offer multi-channel support

Allow members and their caregivers to contact your organization by their preferred method, whether that is phone, text, email, social media, or websites. Customer service agents should have access to essential member information, history, and preferences so they can provide personalized customer service.

2 Improve health literacy

By helping members understand their health plan and how to manage their conditions, your organization can improve health outcomes and build a better relationship with members. Improving health literacy includes making information accessible and easy to find, providing information in plain language, and using video or visual aids.

3 Use outreach programs

Create outreach programs to target members with specific health conditions or needs. Outreach programs are anything from an educational webinar series to automated email reminders to book appointments for follow-ups or screenings. Engaging members with outreach programs help payers improve customer satisfaction and health outcomes.

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4 Offer member incentives

Reward members who make healthy lifestyle choices, such as quitting smoking or joining a gym, by offering incentives like shopping and entertainment discounts or gift cards. Incentive programs can drive engagement, show your organization cares about its members, and help members take greater responsibility for their health.

5 Take advantage of data analytics

Data analytics can help your organization understand members and improve engagement tactics. Using analytics, payers can create targeted marketing campaigns and outreach programs, taking a data-driven strategic approach to providing what members need to improve customer experiences.

Using the right tools for better member engagement

Healthcare payers can take a customer-centric approach to member engagement by offering targeted and personalized experiences. Salesforce Health Cloud enhances the member experience by automating service processes and providing a comprehensive view of member information for customer service agents. Payers can not only improve member engagement but make every touchpoint of the member journey exceptional.

Speridian’s unique combination of extensive experience in Salesforce managed services and healthcare domain knowledge has helped many of our customers build future-ready digital healthcare organizations. We are Salesforce consulting partner, and by leveraging our innovative solutions, healthcare organizations can execute a digital front door strategy that personalizes the customer experience at every touchpoint yet helps them remain agile and responsive to unforeseen challenges.