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Our client is a leading State Health Insurance Exchange. They use an Oracle-based eligibility and enrollment system that includes a self-service public portal for application intake, eligibility determination, Case Management for Caseworkers, Navigators and CSR’s. They also have real-time integration with a third-party billing system and insurance carriers for enrollment.  

Business Challenge

  • Defect fixes and Enhancement releases needed thorough regression testing of the system and VHC was not staffed to perform this efficiently.
  • Proprietary software components that are part of the solution made it difficult to automate the Regression testing using web automation tools such as Selenium.
  • The time it takes to regression test the entire system forces VHC to reduce the frequency of Defect fixes and Enhancement releases to production.


Speridian implemented a Hybrid Automation framework that brought the best of Data and Keyword driven automation methodologies on the HP UFT platform to the client’s regression scenarios. By leveraging Speridian’s Quality Assurance and Testing Automation experience, a series of processes, standards, guides, training, manuals, and collection of comprehensive regression scenarios were selected for implementation using this Framework.

Key features of the deployed solution include:

  • Maintainability – The deployed framework has user intuitive tools and process that make it easier to execute and maintain. Keyword-driven test execution enables users to create their own Test cases in natural languages.
  • Compatibility – User interactive tools enable users to execute the regression suite with any browser and environment configurations.
  • Reporting and Insight – An overall execution summary report is generated in HTML format providing details about “Total Test Cases Executed”, “Total Passed”’, “Total Failed”, and “Pass Percentage”. This detail execution report gets emailed to Business Owners and QA Managers for better visibility of Regression results.


Speridian delivered a complete Automated Regression Suite that covers 80% of the client’s application functionality. Using the Speridian developed Automated Regression Testing Framework, the HIX now has tools and processes to determine the impact of changes deployed across their environments with earlier notifications of potential issues, before releasing to their customers.

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