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Delinkure is a comprehensive analytical solution with Default Prediction Models, based on Machine Learning (ML), and rules -based workflow for Early Resolution and Loss Mitigation. Delinkure helps lenders, servicers and investors identify delinquency prone loans early in the process, assists in recovery, and management of Non-Per forming Assets.

To minimize loss accrued from loan default, it is crucial to review and assess mortgage portfolios periodically. Typically, loans that are deemed risky could have their terms renegotiated, or other measures taken through Early Resolution. We help leading banks, non-bank lenders and servicers to intelligently and cost-effectively manage their delinquent accounts.


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Beacon banking Solutions

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Beacon Core Banking Solution

A cutting-edge, browser-based, banking application. Comprehensive and easy to use, it creates a feature rich platform for introducing new products, services, and controls.

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Beacon Core Lending Solution

Speridian’s Core Lending Solution is a comprehensive, integrated, customizable, browsed based solution, designed to manage the complete loan lifecycle.
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Beacon Loan Origination System

Speridian’s Loan Origination Solution facilitates swifter loan processing, which increases Business Penetration.

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Beacon Data Analytics Solution

Beacon Data Analytics Solution helps to control and manage the overall performance of the organization. It converts raw data into actionable insights.

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Beacon Financial Inclusion Solution

Take Financial Inclusion to the next level. Include the underserved masses by bringing banking services direct to their doorsteps through our Beacon Financial Inclusion Solution.

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Beacon Delinquency Management Solution

Automate credit risk monitoring and management using Speridian’s Beacon Delinquency Management Solution. Offering five powerful modules, answers are just a few clicks away:

  • Early Warning Signals
  • Contact Tracking and Follow-Ups
  • Analytical Workbench
  • Litigation Management Solution
  • Online One Time Settlement Solution

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Beacon Mobile Banking Solution

A highly customizable mobile banking solution that opens opportunities for new and existing clients. Offering an easy to use interface and embedded security features, this application helps clients complete most of their regular transactions on their own.Learn More

Beacon E-Village

Enables a digital payment system, available to both customers and businesses. Safe, secure, and accessible by either smartphone or landline, this creates an excellent opportunity for cash constrained communities.Learn More