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Technologies Used: Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle Cloud CX (including Marketing Cloud, Sales Cloud, Service Cloud)

Industry: Real Estate/Property Management

Services Provided: CRM Solutions, Sales and Marketing Automation, Service Management, Data Analytics and Reporting

Location/Region: MEA, Saudi Arabia

About the Client

King Abdullah Economic City is a newly established city along the coast of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia, focusing on attracting global investors by offering a centralized business environment. They manage extensive property sales and leasing operations, aiming to provide world-class customer service and innovative real estate solutions. This ambitious project seeks to leverage advanced technological solutions to streamline its operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and ensure seamless access to its services worldwide.


The client faced several challenges with their existing Oracle E-Business Suite, impacting their efficiency and customer service quality:

  • Inadequate tracking of sales and lease transactions
  • Difficulty in maintaining customer appointments and engagements
  • Inefficient revenue tracking and reporting mechanisms
  • Lack of effective analytical reports for strategic decision-making
  • Issues with duplicate customer records, undermining data integrity
  • Concerns over customer service quality for existing customers


To address these challenges, Speridian Technologies implemented the following solutions:

  • Oracle Cloud CX Implementation: Leveraging Oracle’s Cloud CX suite to enhance marketing, sales, and service operations.
    • Marketing Cloud: Enabled the marketing team to generate leads through targeted campaigns and enrich customer data effectively.
    • Sales Cloud: Provided a comprehensive solution for managing sales and lease operations, improving lead and customer management through an isomorphic system that mirrored the E-Business Suite’s functionality.
    • Service Cloud: Offered a 360-degree customer view for service agents, improving customer service management.


The implementation of Oracle Cloud CX solutions brought significant benefits to the client, including:

  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Streamlined sales, leasing, and customer service processes.
  • Improved Customer Management: Reduced duplicate records and improved tracking of customer interactions and transactions.
  • Increased Sales and Marketing Effectiveness: Enabled more effective lead generation and management, leading to increased conversion rates.

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