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Speridian’s venture in the Oracle Sales Cloud Platform has successfully gone live at Capital Alliance Limited (CAL), Srilanka, providing a modern, enterprise-level system with enhanced sales process and streamlined Sales Force Automation. This is another landmark achievement, since this is also Speridian’s debut engagement in the Asia Pacific region.

Speridian partnered with Millennium Information Technologies (MillenniumIT), a Srilanka-based Information Technology firm, to implement the Sales Cloud solution at CAL.

About the Client

Capital Alliance Limited (CAL), established in 2000, is a pre-eminent investment bank in Sri Lanka offering a wide spectrum of integrated investment and capital market solutions to diversified client base including corporates, financial institutions and high profile individuals. Over the years, the bank has been successfully fine-tuning itself to the latest trends and demands, building a track record of inspired innovation providing integrated solutions tailored to meet the needs of the customers.

About the Partner

Founded in 1996 and headquartered in Colombo, Srilanka, Millennium Information Technologies (MillenniumIT) specializes in electronic trading systems. MillenniumIT’s systems are used by exchange businesses around the world. The firm is also the largest local partner for Oracle in Srilanka for the last 15 years.

About the Project

CAL required an improved sales process with greater automation and visibility into their sales stream, thus empowering their sales team to create more opportunities to boost their business. Oracle Sales cloud was chosen to be the best solution for the complete sales process transformation.  

Speridian leveraged its Oracle Sales cloud implementation expertise, while MillenniumIT handled Data Warehouse and then both parties collaborated for the Solution integration.

The salient features implemented include Account Management, Contact Management, Opportunity Management, Lead Management, Oracle Social Network, Customer Relationship Management for MS Outlook, Mobile Sales/ Mobilitics, Case Management, Integration using Oracle ICS, Customer Transaction Management and Analytics

After the successful implementation of the project, CAL has been empowered with an automated sales process providing a standardized sales pipeline. The solution enables the sales team to accurately forecast, gaining better visibility into their sales data. The solution offers a 360 degree view enabling easy capture of every aspect of Business Development. 

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