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About the Client

Consumer Education Services, Inc. (CESI) is a non-profit organization committed to empowering and inspiring consumers in the U.S. to become debt free. From non-profit credit counseling and education to debt consolidation options, CESI provides a solution for every financial situation. Headquartered at Raleigh, North Carolina, CESI is one of the largest and most trusted non-profit credit counseling agencies in the U.S.

About the Project

Speridian has been chosen as the Strategic Technology partner for CESI Solutions. This is the third project Speridian has successfully delivered for CESI: An Online Enrollment Portal, A Pre-Bankruptcy Portal, and now an enhanced Online Enrollment Portal.
CESI was exploring a second phase of online enrollment, to enhance the portal, focusing on an end-to-end model that would allow consumers to activate their plans online through digital signature and enabling online credit pull reports.  The Online Enrollment portal is a Web portal platform, from which clients can contact CESI Counselors to receive assistance on any of the offerings provided by CESI.  Speridian proposed enhancements were included in the current Enrollment portal application with responsive design to meet CESI’s requirements. Enhancements were designed and developed using PHP/MySQL open-source platform. 
Speridian’s outstanding team dedication and good coordination with the client resulted in a successful Production Deployment on August 20, 2018. The improved Web Portal will maximize CESI’s client conversion rates and increase their revenue.

Key Deliverables

Between others, the project consisted of delivering: 

  • Online Credit Pull 
  • Dynamic fields for specific creditors with additional requirements
  • Budget enhanced to provide tips against certain line items that are out of alignment with national averages/recommendations 
  •  Enhanced information on the Review Options page to present multiple options and pros and cons of each 

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