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An international corporate and retail bank in Central America had a large number of manual processes across its branches, contact centers, and back office locations. Operating across 6 different countries, all with different regulations and compliance requirements, created various challenges and inefficiencies throughout the company.

The bank needed help with digital modernization and automation of its processes within Lead and Sales Campaign Management, Credit Card Origination, Loan Origination, Onboarding, and KYC.


Speridian Technologies partnered with the bank to aid in their digital transformation journey. Speridian leveraged its RapidROITM methodology in a 4-phase approach to Assess, Automate, Optimize and Scale. Using an accelerated discovery approach as part of the methodology, Speridian held workshops and discovery sessions with stakeholders, business users, and SMEs in various lines of business.

Speridian ensured that there was a clear risk management process in place and clearly defined the activities and major events in the environments to avoid collisions. Prior to the project kick-off, Speridian ensured that the client’s business model was built on a sound overall foundation and then aligned the objectives to support the overall business.

This resulted in:

  • Identification of quick wins across the 6 countries
  • A multi-year implementation roadmap with all platforms already in production
  • Strategic platform consolidation and integration architecture
  • Business process improvement
  • Digital transformation and automation
  • Streamlined operation with high user adoption rates, improved CSAT & ESAT, as well as increased compliance in various areas.

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